55+ Ministry

55+ Ministry

Our Mission

The Southcrest 55+ Senior Adult Ministry exists to encourage our 55+ aged adults to stay committed to studying God's word & connected to the body of Christ, while navigating new challenges brought on by aging and changing lifestyles.


It's our desire for you to get connected through our events! Here's a little bit of what we have to offer throughout the year in the 55+ Senior Adult Ministry:

Day Trips & Overnight Trips

55+ Senior Adult Summit

Annual Grandparenting Conference

Holiday Banquet, Annual Fish Fry, & 55+ Senior Adult Banquet

Game Days/Nights


Community + Connection


Grow in community + connection with all the groups we have to offer! From LIFE Groups to Grandparents Raising Grandchildren to Bible studies and prayer groups, we have a group for you to grow in!

Serve + Go

We want to encourage and equip our 55+ group to discover their spiritual gifts, live out God's purpose for their lives and serve the Lubbock community and beyond with the love of Jesus. We have many areas to serve in leadership and supportive roles within both the church and community.

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