
A Heart for Giving
At Southcrest, we believe that giving through our finances is just another way we can worship God. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to trust with our whole heart in all matters; this includes our finances, which belong to Him anyway. While we don’t believe giving has anything to do with salvation, we do believe that giving our finances/wealth is an indicator of a believer’s maturity in their spiritual walk with the Lord. The Bible speaks of money over 800 times, and Jesus Himself spoke about the topic frequently. You will hear us say that the matter of giving is not an economic matter, but rather a heart matter. For those of you that are faithfully giving to Southcrest – Thank You!”

-Jack Loudder, Executive Pastor of Business Administration + Rusty McDonald, Financial Office

Ways to Give

Give Online

There are many benefits to giving online. It saves the church time and resources while ensuring
that you have full control of your giving and its consistency. You can start your online giving process by
clicking "GIVE" at There, you can set up one-time or recurring giving, and even split
your giving into multiple different funds.
Ways to Give

Mail Your Tithe

We have generic envelopes available for you to use during Sunday mornings.

You may also give throughout the week by dropping off your envelope to our Business Office drop box. If

you would like to receive monthly personalized envelopes by mail, you must request them by contacting

Allison Webb at 806-776-0524.
Ways to Give

Text To Give

We offer another electronic way to give through your smartphone via “Text to Give.” Simply

text “Southcrest” to 806-515-3801 and follow the prompts to enter your giving amount. Complete] your

gift through the link to our church giving platform FellowshipOne Giving