Special Friends Ministry

Special Friends Ministry

Our Mission

The purpose of our church’s Special Needs Ministry is to facilitate inclusion inside the life of the church for those with additional needs and for their family.
Sunday Mornings


We have a class for all ages! Join us on Sundays for small group time:

Children (Kinder – 4th grade) at 9:30 am | Room 2101

Youth (5th grade – 12th grade) at 11:00 am | Room 2101

Adults (18+) at 9:30 am | Room 2102
Building Relationships


In support of our broader church mission, the ultimate goal of our Special Needs Ministry is to lead individuals and families affected by unique learning needs into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by building relationships over time.
Community Outreach & Fellowship

Serve + Go

We want our class members to experience the privilege of serving in their church and the joy that comes through fellowship with one another as they serve! Our Special Friends serve alongside other ministries as we are able by gathering donated supplies for different ministry projects among other things.

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