Preteen Ministry
Our Mission
The Southcrest Preteen ministry exists to help preteens (5th & 6th graders) find their greatest pleasure and purpose in Jesus.
Preteen Hang Outs
Check back later to see what upcoming events our Preteen Ministry has to offer this semester!
Wednesday Nights + Sunday Mornings
Join us Wednesday Nights at 6:20 pm in Room 2039 (across from the elevator on the 2nd floor) for worship, fellowship, and time in God's Word. Sunday mornings we meet at 11 am in Room 2039 as we dig into God's Word.
Small Groups
Outside of our large group settings preteens break up into small groups during our Sunday morning time together. This gives us a chance to dive deep into God's Word through life application and discussion time.
Community Outreach & Fellowship
Serve + Go
Join us as we do outreach in the community and have fellowships where friendships can grow stronger. We have preteen summer camp and a fall retreat!
Preteen Ministry
Special Friends
In support of our broader church mission, the ultimate goal of our Special Needs Ministry is to lead individuals and families affected by unique learning needs into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by building relationships over time.
We have a class for all ages! Join us on Sundays for small group time:
Children (Kinder – 4th grade) at 9:30 am | Room 2101
We have a class for all ages! Join us on Sundays for small group time:
Children (Kinder – 4th grade) at 9:30 am | Room 2101